Thursday, January 15, 2009

Thoughts from a plane

1/10 9:02 pm et. We Just left America. Won’t be back for 2 years. Holy crap. No more Star-Spangled Banner. No more Oreos. No more ranch dressing. I’m moving to Africa. Holy crap.

1/11 2:45 am et. Flying into Amsterdam. Man, there’s a lot of water here… somehow I wasn’t expecting that. And there’s lots of and lots of windmills. (That doesn’t surprise me… I just forgot about the whole Holland-windmill thing.) Only, the windmills here aren’t the pretty, old-fashioned brick with white fabric blades kind. They’re the tall, skinny, 2-blade modern kind. What a letdown.

1/11 10:07 am et. Flying over the Sahara Desert. Amazing… and somehow it makes me appreciate what an amazing Creator God we serve. How do you even dream up something like this, let alone actually make it? I mean, there’s nothing but sand as far as the eye can see. You would think it’s pretty monotonous, but it’s not. Patterns and designs and images in the earth are constantly changing. It’s beautiful. Too bad I have no idea where my (new) camera is. I have a sinking feeling that I left it on the plane in Amsterdam.

1/11 11:00 am et. Sunset over Darfur. Ironically beautiful. How surreal is my life?

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