Sunday, January 18, 2009

Pictures from the Journey....

Well, I’ve been promising pictures of the trip from Greenville up to Arua, and since I have my camera back :D I can deliver on the promise!

How does Detroit keep going in a snowstorm? Snowplows... lots and lots and lots of snowplows. (I counted 7 on the way to the gate while we were still taxi-ing!)

The winter wonderland of Detroit… my last view of snow for a while!

The tunnel in the Detroit airport- it changed colors in coordination with the music… very cool

All of our luggage in the van for the drive from Entebbe to Kampala—
we were a little shocked that it could all fit!

The Sahara Desert—amazingly beautiful! Who but God could dream this up?

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, we crossed the Nile. That’s right… the NILE- as in Pharoahs and Moses and Egypt and crocodiles and Cleopatra! He he he!

Kampala- the capitol of Uganda

Yield to random cows crossing the road- on the way to Arua

This isn’t from the trip up, but I had to share with all the construction folks…. There was a huge crater in the middle of one of the roads in town, and they were repairing it when we got in town. (All hand work, by the way!) There are a couple of paved roads here, but they’re really more pothole than roads. Anyway, there’s a new stretch of asphalt in Arua! (And check out the logs they use as construction cones- love it!)

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