Friday, January 23, 2009

Customs & Shipping

Hi, everyone!  I got some information this week, and wanted to share... before you read any further, please know that this is NOT a plea for care packages and "stuff".  We're doing great here, and since we're not in our house yet (next week, maybe?) I couldn't even begin to tell you what I need or want.  We've been to the "grocery store" (think Old West mercantile) and the open-air markets a couple of times, but haven't even bought any groceries... but I did get some insight into the whole international shipping and customs thing, and wanted to pass it on.  It was really helpful for my mom, and might be helpful to anyone who might want to send packages in the future.  (Not begging, really!)

1)  When you send a package internationally, you have to fill out a customs declaration so the government knows how much to charge me to receive the package. Basically, the more value an item has, the more I will have to pay to get it. When you fill out a customs form, it's better to be vague... "used clothing," "house supplies," "toiletries," "work supplies," "snacks," etc. The less value the package appears to have, the better. 

2)  Packages sent in boxes will more than likely be opened.  It's better to make the items inside look like they're not in the original package or don't have the original tags on them... so drink mix packets and candies could be in a Ziplock instead of the sealed bag from the store, new clothes could have all the tags taken off, CDs and DVDs could be unwrapped and unsealed, that kind of thing. Pam and Stan also said they don't think Customs opens the bubble-wrap envelopes- so they might be a good option, if the stuff will fit in them. 

3)  Don't send electronics... if they get to me, I'll wind up having to pay more than they're worth to get them back!

4)  Because we're so far out, shipping companies won't deliver to us.  The only real option is air mail, which should take 2-6 weeks.  Letters and smaller bubble envelopes will arrive faster than bigger boxes.  My mailing address is PO Box 1036, Arua, Uganda.

Suggestions for care packages:
~ good-smelling soaps, lotions, or candles
~ American chocolate
~ Crystal Lite single-serving drink packets
~ Jello
~ Velveeta (it's really heavy, though!)
~ DVDs from the bargain aisle
~ anything else that would remind you of home... 

Please know, again, that I'm NOT asking for gifts.  I just wanted to get information out there so it's there if you should need it.  Your prayers are what I ask for the most-- thank you for being so faithful!

1 comment:

Marsha Byers Mays said...

I have the confirmation number for your package. I sent it USPS. Hope you get it. I guess it it will always be a guessing game if you get your gift or not.
