Saturday, January 10, 2009

Chick-fil-A, suitcases, and tears

I officially hate goodbyes.  I've said way too many in the past few days.  And honestly, the whole concept of telling your entire family goodbye at airport security just absolutely stinks.  I cried while they checked my boarding pass, I cried taking off my shoes, I cried while they scanned my 40-pound backpack, I cried while I put my shoes back on, I cried as Zeke blew me kisses through the glass, I cried all the way up the escalator.  I cried as I wrote the whole last paragraph.  I hate this.

I know why I'm going to Uganda.  I'm excited about what I'm doing.  I'm excited to see what the LORD is going to do.  I'm completely humbled just to be a small part of it.  But honestly, I don't like this.  Today, right now, sitting in the airport, waiting for my delayed flight to Detroit, I don't like it one bit.

Packing your entire life into 4 suitcases (gotta love extra baggage...) is just not natural.  It's not right.  Not having Chick-fil-A again for 2 years (twice today, thank you very much!) is not right.  :)  Telling your 17 month old nephew goodbye is not right.  But there's so much of this that is right.  God has been so faithful already.  He's been so good.  And that is right.  And that makes everything else, all the tears, all the goodbyes, all the people I love so much that I will miss so badly, He makes it all okay.  

And that is how I can get on a plane and move to Africa.  I can't do it.  But because of Him, I can.


Wanda said...

Alissa, I feel your pain. I cried reading this post and I was sitting at my desk! Please know you are in my prayers. You will be awesome in Africa. I know the LORD will be working through you, with you and for you!

With love,
Wanda Bowen

Royanne Baer said...

Alissa, I am so excited and happy for you and the many people you are about to meet. I know you all will be blessed and I am looking forward to hear of your experiences! You are in my thoughts and prayers.


Paige said...

Hey Alissa. I know what you mean. Goodbye was hard for us, too. Hope you are doing well.
See you soon!