Sunday, April 26, 2009

Out of pocket

I have to let you know in advance that there will be a significant shortage of new blogs for the next month. I am currently in Lusaka, Zambia, participating in a program called 40/40. This is an orientation program for new IMB personnel in Central, Eastern, and Southern Africa. The purpose is for us to better understand the African culture and worldview that we will be working in. For another week or so, our group of 70+ will be working in Downtown Lusaka. We will then move out to Petauke to spend 12 days in bush camp, before living in the homes of African believers for 3 days. Please pray for our group during this time, that God would give us good health, good contact with nationals, and nothing too crazy to eat!

I'll be in touch... when I get back from exile! :D

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"crazy to eat" is the ONLY reason to travel!