Monday, April 27, 2009

40/40 Day 6- Mosquito Food

My feet must have been confused for an all-you-can-eat-buffet

Last night, a large group of us ate at a nice restaurant, Rhapsody’s.  It was a very comfortable night, and we decided to eat outside on the patio.  Big mistake!  We didn’t realize that there was a huge swarm of mosquitoes hanging out under our table, and we got eaten alive!  Fortunately, we were all wearing long trousers, so they could only get access to the foot portion of the buffet!)

I didn’t realize I had become mosquito fodder right away—we couldn’t see the party that was going on under the table.  But when I woke up this morning, my feet looked like they did when I had chicken pox!  I can honestly say I have never had so many bites on my entire body, let alone on just my feet!

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