Sunday, December 28, 2008

Rediscovering Bebo

Ever listened to an artist you haven't heard in a while and wonder, "Why did I stop listening to this?"  I've been a fan of Bebo Norman's for a while, but he's sort of fallen off my radar in the past couple of years.  Yesterday I pulled up Bebo on my iPod, just for random driving music while I was running some errands, and was reminded of why I loved his music so much.    I love the theology in his lyrics.  I love the vulnerability, the reality... I think he's been reading my blog... oh, wait, he wrote those songs years ago.  How did that happen?

I loved the blast-from-the-past of listening to all the old music, but one song really got me.  And it's not surprising, because it always got me, but somehow it seemed more appropriate yesterday than it ever has before.  In this new season of life that I'm in, where I'm learning (again!) that my dreams for my life and the dreams my Father has for my life don't necessarily line up, He's teaching me to die.  And as I've been reminded several times recently, dying is painful.  Sacrifice is painful.  Surrender is painful.  But they are oh, so necessary.  

So dream a little dream for me in hopes that I'll remain
And cry a little cry for me so I can bear the flames
Hurt a little hurt for me, my future is untold
But my dreams are not the issue here
For they, the hammer holds
              "The Hammer Holds"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I love Bebo and I LOVE this song!