Monday, December 8, 2008

Faith like a child

Every now and then, it becomes very clear what the phrase "faith like a child" really means.  Last night our cultural worship focus was South Asia (a region made up of 7 countries around India, for those of you who don't speak IMBese!).  One of the components was corporate prayer in a way I had never seen before.  As people shared their prayer requests, members of the congregation would gather around them at the front of the meeting room and pray with them then and there.  What stood out more than anything was our little girls.  When one of them would share a request, they could barely get it all out before the rest of the girls would literally run to them to join them in prayer.  How often do I really run to people to pray for them?  And when I do pray for them, do I really believe that God is going to move in a mighty way?  God, give me the faith to join my friends in prayer the way these children do!

1 comment:

Chris and Amy said...

When will you be in town?