Wednesday, August 19, 2009

My mom's coming!!!

I am so excited I just about can't see straight!  My mom is coming to Arua, and she'll be here in a month!  Mom and I are really close, and I can't wait for her to see where I live and what I'm doing here.  While she's here, she'll get to go to schools for ministry, a village church, we'll hang out in our (tiny) town, and go to the game park where hopefully we'll see lions.  (Start praying now, please!!!)  :D  I just wanted to share... I get to see my mom!!!  Woo hoo!

1 comment:

Shari Horner said...

"Hey" sweet friend,
It was SO good to read your newsletter..."better late then never" definitely applys much good info for us back here in the states and a great way for us to know how and what to pray for.
Praise God your family was shielded under the Mighty wings of God and were protected in the accident! Love and miss you!
Shari H. :)