Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Hanging Out

Secondary school students arrived home for holiday last week, and, like students everywhere, get bored on school break pretty quickly.  So, last Thursday, Kelli and I, along with the help of Evan and Trevor, began opening our home for students to come, hang out, play volleyball, drink tea, and just be teenagers.  Thursday, because of a horribly-timed rainstorm and commitments at home, only Richard and Thomas made it.  But today, the weather was clear and warm (hot, really), and Evan and Trevor decided to pick up some of the students who live farther away.  By the end of 3 hours, 10 students had come and visited, played volleyball, and shared a snack of tea and zucchini bread.  We had a great time, even if it wasn’t the most inspired game of volleyball ever.    Please pray that students would continue to come on Tuesdays and Thursdays between now and the beginning of September, that they would bring their friends who are also home on break, and that we would be able to build relationships that would eventually allow us to go to deeper levels.  

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